Subject: TimeCharter Author: Cary Nichols Uploaded By: Writesoft Date: 4/25/1996 File: TC_WNBK3.ZIP (1232743 bytes) Estimated Download Time (23638 baud): < 14 minutes Download Count: 228 Equipment: IBM Compatible Needs: Windows 3.1/3.11 ***Scanned with McAfee's VirusScan v2.2.9*** TimeCharter is new writer's software from The Writer's Notebook. *** T i m e C h a r t e r *** TimeCharter is new software written specifically for writers. It includes StoryCharter, DayCharter, WeekCharter, MonthCharter, plus QuickJournal, TextEditor, AddressBook, Calculator, and Writer's Calendar. You can switch/copy/paste easily between all screens. Menus are just a "right-mouseclick" away. This is a fully-functioning demo (a message will pop up periodically letting you know how to register TimeCharter . Otherwise, the demo is the complete program as of this version --with a coded time-expiration date. Registration will make all future upgrades available to you). To install: 1) Unzip TC_WNBK3.ZIP to a blank diskette on drive A: 2) From Program Manager, _F_ile _R_un A:\SETUP ( you must accept the default path of C:\TIMECHRT ) 3) Double-click on the icon that setup creates. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Below is some info on the main sections of TimeCharter: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- StoryCharter (also, the other Charter screens) is a database of records. Each record can be a collection (such as short stories, a novel, etc., all in one record). You have 30 screens per record. You can have as many records as you need. (NOW INCLUDES StoryFramer! Drag/Drop your frames to other screen locations, Drag/Drop your frames on top of each other to "swap", etc.) An INDEX button provides instant access to any of the record's screens. It is automatically updated based on the first line of the description box. From the Index, simply click on one of the thirty boxes to go directly to that screen. To start a new "collection", simply click on the ADD button, enter a title (such as your novel's name), then click on the UPDATE button. You now can use the 30 screens as chapters... or if you want to place your short stories there, simply ADD a "Short Stories" title and UPDATE. You can place/write 30 short stories in one record... or use it to place all your info about a reference subject, or for anything else you can think of... track your submissions... record your home inventory... etc. etc. The Writer's Calendar allows you to enter any information you like into a textfile saved with that date. Its uses are only limited by your imagination. Since any data you enter in the Calendar is saved to a text file (with a filename that indicates that date), you can load them into the Text Editor, or any of your other programs. QuickJournal is pretty self-explanatory. You can use it solely as a Journal, or for any other purpose you can imagine. All screens allow 30,000 bytes per (arrowed) text-box. Also included is a tabbed (home, work, notes) AddressBook, and a Text Editor. The text editor allows you to load external files to paste into the other screens. All screens, in addition to being saved to the database, can also be saved as external text files to be loaded into the text editor, or your other programs. You can print your data from any screen. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Writer's software from The Writer's Notebook requires an IBM-compatible with Windows. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TimeCharter is available to internet purchasers for $ 44.95 Also available is The Writer's Notebook for $ 49.95 and Writer's WorkSpace for $ 39.95 ********************************************************************************** As an INTRODUCTORY OFFER, you can purchase ALL 3 for $64.95 (plus a Backup Utility diskette) ********************************************************************************** To order software from The Writer's Notebook, send check or money-order made payable to Cary Nichols, to: Cary Nichols P.O. Box 20161 Ft. Worth, TX 76102-8161 e-mail: